Calculator | Online Math Calculator [DEG]

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F2 sin cos tan %
^power sqrt π eeuler log
7 8 9 AC
4 5 6 × ÷
1 2 3 + -
0 . ( ) =

A. Using Online Full Screen Scientific Calculator

Important! this math or scientific calculator uses [DEG] mode or degree mode. This used for trigonometric calculation. For example cos (90) the same as cos 90°. [DEG] mode commonly used by students all over the world.

Be careful performing trigonometric calculations with a scientific calculator. Some calculators use RAD Mode or Radian (1 RAD = 57,296°) as a standard-setting. [RAD] mode, commonly used at higher education, for example, pure physics. Click [RAD] to change Radian Mode.

A1. Basic Button Functions

AC All Clear (AC) button clears entire calculator screen

Backspace button clears the last digit

F2 button accesses: inverse trigonometric sin-1 (arcsin), cos-1 (arccos), tan-1 (arctan), reciprocal trig ratios csc (cosecant), sec (secant), cot (cotangent), cubic root, natural logarithm (ln), factorial (!), and Euler's number (e)

A2. Arithmetic Button Functions

= button executes calculation

1 = 1

+ button performs addition

1 + 1 = 2

- button performs subtraction

6 - 2 = 4

× button performs multiplication

10 × 10 = 100

÷ button performs division

8 ÷ 4 = 2

. button inputs decimal separator

8.2 + 1.8 = 10

( ) button inputs bracket

1 × (3 - 1) = 1 × 2 = 2

A3. Power and Root Button Functions

^ button performs power

2^3 = 2 × 2 × 2 = 8

button performs square root

√(144) = 12

3 button performs cubic root

3√(8) = 2

A4. Percentage and Factorial Button Functions

% button inputs percentage symbol

45% = 0.45

! button inputs factorial symbol

3! = 3 × 2 × 1 = 6

A5. Geometry and Logarithm Button Functions

π button inputs phi constant

π = 3.141592653589793

e button inputs euler constant

e = 2.718281828459

log button performs logarithm base 10

log(100) = 2

ln button performs natural logarithm

ln(e) = ln(2.718281828459) = 1

ex button performs euler exp

e2 = exp(2) = 7.389056098931

A6. Trigonometric Button Functions

A6.1 Basic Trigonometric Button Functions

sin button calculates sine

sin(90) = 1

cos button calculates cosine

cos(90) = 0

tan button calculates tangent

tan(90) = Infinity!

A6.2 Inverse Trigonometric Button Functions

sin⁻¹ button calculates arcsin

sin-1(0) = 0

cos⁻¹ button calculates arccosin

cos-1(0) = 90

tan⁻¹ button calculates arctan

tan-1(45) = 88.726969979943

A6.3 Reciprocal Trig Ratio Button Functions

csc button calculates cosecant

csc(60) = 1.154700538379

sec button calculates secant

sec(45) = 1.414213562373

cot button calculates cotangent

cot(60) = 0.57735026919

B. Keyboard Functions

You can use the keyboard to input number and arithmetic operator

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 . the key can use to input number

+ - * / key can use to input arithmetic operator

Backspace key can use to clear the last digits

Enter key can use to execute calculation (same as equal)

C. Calculation History

View or use history for performing a new calculation, click History at the calculator screen.

D. What is Scientific Calculator

A scientific calculator is a type of calculator that used to solve math, engineering, and science calculation. This calculator is a simple scientific calculator for your daily activity.

This online scientific calculator has been tested up to version 22. It also has advanced calculation capabilities with a simple and full screen layout.

Thanks for using our online math calculator! And It's Full Screen!